When did half life 2 come out

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Half-Life 2: Episode Two is a first-person shooter game developed and published by Valve. Following Episode One , it is the second of two shorter episodic games that continue the story of Half-Life 2 Players control Gordon Freeman , who travels through the mountains surrounding City 17 to a resistance base with his ally Alyx Vance.

Like previous games in the series, Episode Two combines shooting, puzzle-solving and narrative elements, but adds expansive environments and less linear sequences. Episode Two was released on 10 October, , for Windows on Valve's distribution service Steam , and as a part of The Orange Box , a compilation of Valve games for Xbox and PlayStation 3. The PlayStation version was produced by Electronic Arts. Episode Two received positive reviews. Half-Life 2: Episode Three was announced for Christmas , but was canceled as Valve abandoned episodic development.

In , after canceling several further Half-Life projects , Valve released Half-Life: Alyx. As with previous Half-Life games, Episode Two is played in the first person as Gordon Freeman against transhuman troops, known as the Combine , and other hostile alien creatures. Levels are linear but add a more open environment, consisting of puzzles and first-person shooter game-play.

Sequences involving vehicles are interspersed throughout the game, breaking up moments of combat. One of the focal points of Episode Two was meant to be increased use of vehicles in open areas. However, the game retains its original linear style until the final battle.

Some are essential to game progress, such as helping fight off an antlion invasion, or defeating the first Hunters. Others are optional tricks or feats the player can perform, such as killing a Combine soldier with their own grenade or running down a certain number of enemies with the car.

Episode Two featured a new Hunter enemy, which had just been seen briefly in a recorded message in Episode One. The Hunter serves as one of the most dangerous enemies within the game and as means of emotional development for Alyx Vance. The Hunter is a powerful and resilient enemy which players must often run from while seeking a means to fight back; Episode Two ' s environments are designed with this in mind. An interview in the August issue of PC Gamer magazine revealed that the Hunter stands 8 feet 2.

Erik Johnson, the game's project lead, states that the Hunters are "big and impressive, but they can go anywhere the player can go", as the player can encounter them both indoors and outdoors. Late in the game, they can be found escorting Striders, using their flechette guns to protect the Striders that the player is trying to attack.

Hunters primarily attack the player by bracing themselves and firing bursts from their flechette cannon. Four flechettes can vaporize an ordinary human soldier. If they do not strike a living target, the flechettes charge up for several seconds and then explode, dealing minor damage to everything nearby. Hunters may also conduct a charging attack or strike with their legs if the player gets too close.

Hunters are vulnerable to all weapons, but to compensate, are still quite resilient, making explosives and the pulse rifle's charged energy ball the most attractive options. Objects thrown with the gravity gun are also effective, especially if the player catches some of their flechettes with the object before hurling it.

In outdoor environments, they can be run over with a vehicle. Episode Two features no additions to Gordon Freeman's weapons inventory. Instead, Valve chose to further explore uses for the gravity gun, with which the player can pick up and throw large objects. They introduced more varied Gravity Gun "ammunition", such as logs, flares, and half-height butane tanks, which are easier to aim than full-size fuel drums. Near the end of the game, the player uses "Magnusson Devices", which designer Dario Casali described as a "sticky bomb that you fire at a Strider's underbelly that will draw power from the Strider's internal power source".

The player uses the gravity gun to attach the bombs to tripodal enemy Striders; the bombs detonate when fired upon with any other of the player's weapons, instantly destroying the target. The Hunter escorts prioritize them as targets, either destroying them in the player's grasp or shooting already-attached ones off.

Large sections of the game feature a car which resembles a gutted-and-rebuilt Dodge Charger. It appears to have been tuned for performance. A radar system is installed later in the game, allowing the player to locate Rebel supply caches. In the final battle, a rear-mounted storage rack for Magnusson Devices is added and the radar is adjusted to track enemies and Magnusson Device dispensers. A homing unit is also installed so the player can quickly locate the car in the chaos of the final battle via a readout in the Hazardous Environment suit.

The Combine , a multidimensional empire which has enslaved Earth, has used the destruction of their Citadel to open a massive portal. This will allow them to summon reinforcements and destroy the Resistance. In the mountains outside City 17, Resistance fighters Gordon Freeman and Alyx Vance escape the wreckage of the train they used to escape the city. At an old transmission station, they establish communication with resistance scientists Dr.

Kleiner and Eli Vance at the White Forest base. They learn that the Resistance may be able to close the portal using a copy of a Combine transmission Alyx is carrying.

At an abandoned mine, Alyx is critically wounded by a Combine Hunter. A vortigaunt leads them to an underground Resistance shelter. Gordon recovers larval extract from a nearby antlion colony, necessary for the vortigaunts to heal Alyx.

He instructs the unconscious Alyx to tell her father to "prepare for unforeseen consequences". After Alyx recovers, she and Gordon proceed in an old Resistance vehicle, battling Combine troops and surviving an encounter with a Combine Advisor, a high-ranking Combine alien with powerful psychic abilities. At White Forest, they are reunited with Dr. Kleiner, Eli, and Alyx's pet robot Dog.

Gordon is introduced to the egotistical Dr. Arne Magnusson. The scientists are preparing a rocket which they plan to use with the Combine portal code and the satellite array launched by Gordon at Black Mesa to close the Combine portal. After Gordon fends off a Combine attack on the base, Alyx gives Dr. Kleiner the message from Judith Mossman recovered at the Citadel. It contains footage and the coordinates of the Borealis , an Aperture Science research vessel built within an icebreaker similar to the USCGC Healy , Kleiner explains, vanished along with part of the surrounding drydock.

Kleiner insists that it should be used to aid the Resistance effort, while Eli counters that it is impossible to control and must be destroyed. They agree that Alyx and Gordon will travel to the Borealis and attempt to find Mossman. Alyx unconsciously delivers the G-Man's message to her father, troubling him.

Alone with Gordon, Eli reveals that it was the G-Man who provided the test sample that caused the Black Mesa incident, and that he whispered the same warning to him as Gordon entered the test chamber. He promises to explain more after the portal is closed. While the scientists prepare the rocket, White Forest comes under attack by the Combine. Gordon destroys the attacking Striders using experimental explosive charges created by Magnusson. The scientists launch the rocket and close the portal, trapping Combine forces on Earth.

Alyx and Gordon prepare to leave for the Borealis and Eli warns Gordon about the ship's "cargo". The three head to a hangar, intending to board a helicopter, but two Advisors burst into the hangar and restrain them.

As Eli tries to free them, he is killed by one of the Advisors. As the second one prepares to kill Alyx, Dog bursts in and chases the Advisors away. Alyx, sobbing, clutches her father's body. Episode Two was the second in a planned trilogy of shorter episodic games that would continue the story of Half-Life 2 This schedule of simultaneous development aided them in streamlining the story between the two games to create an immersive story.

The technology used was the same for both games, allowing the development teams to quickly fix any technical problems that might arise from either game; this happened often because of the multi-platform release.

An announcement was made on July 13, , stating that Episode Two would be released on Xbox and PlayStation 3 in addition to the PC, where previous iterations of the series separated.

According to Valve's marketing director, Doug Lombardi, the Xbox , PlayStation 3, and PC versions would be identical in functionality and performance. An audio commentary is also featured, as in Episode One and Lost Coast. as the voice of the Vortigaunts.

Half-Life 2: Episode Two received an average score of Dan Adams of IGN rated the game 9. a burly experience packed into roughly six hours or so that offers up all the diversity, level design, and thoughtful gameplay we've known while making sure to propel the story forward and leave us wanting more. net awarded the game a 10 out of 10 score, citing approval of how the story turns and the introduction of side stories and new characters.

com said it was "vivid, emotionally engaging, and virtually unsurpassed". Computer and Video Games said that although the Source engine was dated, the "wonderful art design and the odd bit of technical spit-shine ensure that Episode Two [ They also noticed that the game "goes about fixing a lot of the niggling complaints we had about Episode One ," applauding the open forests and rocky hills.

The New York Times wrote that "while it sows a few seeds for the final episode of the trilogy, the game lacks the driving force of the previous episode". Half-Life 2: Episode Three was scheduled for release by Christmas , [26] but was canceled as Valve abandoned episodic development and were developing a new game engine, Source 2. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Cover art featuring from left Gordon Freeman , the Combine Hunters and Alyx Vance.

Erik Wolpaw Chet Faliszek. Windows PlayStation 3 Xbox Mac OS X Linux. October 10, NA : October 10, EU : October 18, AU : October 25, AU : December 20, EU : December 14, NA : December 14, WW : May 26, WW : May 10, May 30, Archived from the original on September 29,


- When did half life 2 come out


Save Games for Get Some Grub and Little Rocket Man achievements in Half Life 2 Episode 2. balancing the gnome on the car was a painful experience. beat up in the background. slim Shady. How to stop the flashing bug. In Half-Life 2 Episode Two there's an issue where your screen will flash every time you take damage.

This isn't supposed to happen and it hurts your ability to play the game. Luckily it's easy to fix. このレビューが参考になったと投票した人はまだいません 0.

While we patiently wait for HL3 to come, lets state specifically what novelties we want for the game. At first I thought otherwise as Opposing Force was made by Gearbox, however Barney came into the series in HL2 and EP1 so I think Adrian might possibly come into the series.

I think that Adrian might go undercover or something for the Combine and end up meeting Gordon and Alyx who are trying to destroy the Borealis, and then team up with them AGAINST the combine.

That would be cool. Yes Ristun, some people say he would be hunting gordon, but in opposing force did he even hurt one scientist? I think he would be teaming if you search "half life 3 fan made trailer" in youtube you will see a vid, shephard appears 2 times in it. I don't think Valve would make Shephard hunt Gordon because since you play as Shephard in opposing force, and you would appear to be the best soldier "ever" I guess, Gordon vs Shephard would be like you fighting yourself and if Gordon wins, all the Shephard fans would be devastated and start hating the series or whatever.

I think somehow Shephard will be convinced of Gordon's good intentions and team up with him. Ristun の投稿を引用:.

Or Valve could just push Shephard into stardom by having him turn rogue and be killed by Gordon's actions. Players will probably make a cult for him for being the hero that turned into the beloved villain, or rather a victim of the whole situation Gordon being the hero.

Well, considering that Gordon is no longer under G-Man's influence, and Adrian as far as we know , is the only other person under G-man's control, it is likely that G-man would use Adrian to aid the resistance, possibly by helping them break into the Borealis, or maybe even into an aperture facility to steal some tech.

I think it would make a cool plot line, and would be a really good emotional struggle for Adrian to be forced to work with someone who killed so many of his fellow soldiers, and for Gordon to be haunted by his past actions by a survivor. All in all, it would make a great idea for a fan made mod, at the very least, and could lead to some great co-op campaign possibilities too. ストア ストア. ホーム コミュニティのおすすめ 最近表示 Steamキュレーター. 最新&注目 最新&注目. 売上トップ 最もプレイされているアイテム 話題の新作 スペシャル 最近のアップデート 人気の近日登場.

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SF&サイバーパンク アニメ オープンワールド サバイバル ホラー ミステリー&探偵 宇宙 成人指定(アダルトオンリー). LAN MMO オンライン対戦 シングルプレイヤー マルチプレイヤー ローカル&パーティ 協力プレイ. 解除できる Steam 実績: ポイントショップアイテムを表示 3. タイトル: Half-Life 2 ジャンル: アクション 開発元: Valve. パブリッシャー: Valve. シリーズ: Half-Life. Webサイトにアクセス アップデート履歴を表示 関連ニュースをチェック 掲示板を表示 コミュニティグループを検索. 共有 埋め込み. Half-Life 2 グッズの購入. このゲーム用のコンテンツ 全て閲覧 (1) Half-Life 2 Soundtrack. システム要件 Windows. 最低: OS: Windows 7, Vista, XP プロセッサー: 1.



When did half life 2 come out. Half-Life 2を購入する


Wiki User. Half-Life 2 came out November 16th , after being delayed for about a year. Half-Life 2 received numerous awards, including over 35 Game of the Year awards. If you have not already played it yet, I highly recommend it. Half-Life 2 is a So instead of making a half life 2 episode three, they planned on making a half life 3.

Half-Life 2 uses Source. No, only Half-Life and Half-Life: Decay. Half-Life, Half-Life: Blueshift, Half-life: Opposing Force, Half-life: High Definition pack might not classify as a game , Half-Life: Source, Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, and Half-Life 2: Episode 2.

Eight games total not including countless mods created by fans that you can download for free on moddb. com and fileplanet. Other games by Valve software include Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2, Portal, Portal 2, Counter Strike, Counter Strike: Source, Team Fortress, Team Fortress 2, and Alien Swarm.

Another Half-Life game would be Half-Life: Decay. You might also be able to count Half-Life Deathmatch and Half-Life 2 Deathmatch. you start with half life 2, then you play half life 2 episode 1, then you play half life 2 episode 2, so you are basically playing them in the order they are in at the game select screen where you choose any of the half life games, portal or tf2.

Half-life 2 Episode Three will be the next Half-Life game created by Valve. It is not known if there will be an official Half-Life 3.

Originally, Gabe Newell planned the Half-Life 2 episodes to actually be Half-Life 3. Half Life 2 Half Life 2: Episode 1 Half Life 2: Episode 2 Portal Team Fortress Hope this helps ;. The villain's name in Half Life 2 was Wallace Breen. There is no "Half Life 3" If you're talking about Half-Life 2, then no, but you can get Counter-Strike. In order to download zombie panic from steam you must have Half life 2. So yes, you do need half life 2.

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