Why do giraffes have horns -

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Why do giraffes have horns.


People keep all sorts of animals as pets, but the most common ones are 犬 inu a dog猫 neko a cat金魚 kingyo a foインコ inko a parakeetオウム oumu a parrotハムスター hamusutaa a /9226.txt. Notice that you can use the verb 鳴きます nakimasu to mean meowmoocrowetc.

The most usual animals on a farm are: why do giraffes have horns uma a horse牛 ushi a cow雄牛 oushi a bull豚 buta a pig羊 hitsuji a sheep鶏 niwatori a chickenガチョウ gachou a gooseヤギ yagi a goatロバ why do giraffes have horns a donkey. Some other words related to animals that you want to know are: 毛 ke fur鱗 uroko scalesしっぽ shippo a tail蹄 hizume a hoof角 tsuno a horn羽 hane a featherたてがみ tategami a mane爪 tsume a claw.

The most common wild animals around the world are these: 鹿 shika a deerwhy do giraffes have horns kuma a bear狼 ookami a wolf狐 kitsune a foxコヨーテ koyoote a coyoteアライグマ araiguma a raccoonリス risu a squirrelうさぎ usagi нажмите сюда rabbit, こうもり koumori a bat蛇 hebi a snakeとかげ tokage a lizard.

Depending on where you live, you may not need to go to a zoo to see hqve animals. In the ocean, you may see: サメ same a sharkクジラ kujira hwy whaleイルカ iruka a узнать больше здесьカニ kani a crabロブスター robusutaa a lobsterくらげ kurage a why do giraffes have hornsヒトデ hitode a starfishうに uni a sea urchinうなぎ unagi an eelあさり asari a clamムール貝 muurugai a musselエビ ebi a shrimp たこ tako an octopusいか ika a squid.

If you every need to talk about insects, bugs, or other creep-crawlies, hofns will need to know these: 虫 mushi a buggirarfes kumo a spider蜂 hachi a beeカブトムシ kabutomushi a beetleてんとう虫 tentoumushi a ladybug蠅 hae a fly蚊 ka a mosquito, 蝶 chou a butterfly蛾 ga a moth why do giraffes have horns, ミミズ mimizu a wormサソリ sasori a scorpion蟻 ari an ant.

Check out our other posts on Japanese language, culture, and more. Check us out! You can access our why do giraffes have horns student book and practice audio here. Or you can use it on your girfafes as self-study, totally free. Image by Andrew Tan from Pixabay. Skip to content. ペットを飼っていますか。Petto o katte imasu ka. Do you have any pets? 犬と猫を飼っています。 Inu to neko o katte imasu. We have a dog and a cat. 子犬と遊んでいます。 Koinu to asonde imasu.

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Why do giraffes have horns.


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giraffe in Japanese - English-Japanese Dictionary | Glosbe - Do all giraffe have horns?

    04/09/ · Giraffes generally use their horns to protect themselves. Additionally, some scientists believe that Ossicones regulate body temperature as well. The nerves and blood 20/02/ · Why do giraffes have horns? Let's watch and learn. Here is an educational video to learn about giraffe horns. Subscribe to Kiddopedia for more educational vi 26/10/ · Purpose Of Horns On A Giraffe's Head Male giraffes use their ossicones as a very handy weapon during fighting. When they fight, they use the strength of their necks to bang


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